I've been meaning to write a blog for ages, yet Eastenders and food have taken priority. It's been quite a while since i wrote a rather depressing blog and alot has happened since then. It's finally the summer holidays and it has come to the end of an era of year 10 which for me has been a good school year; great friends, amusing parties, lots of laughs and heart to hearts <3
The last few weeks have been quite jam packed, my last blog i moaned about arguing with my mum, the stress of exams and the fear of work experience... well i'm glad to say all that hassle is over! me and my lovely mum have been getting on really well and I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with her this holiday, my wonderful big sis is home from uni (however she's in Ireland at the moment) it's nice to have her home because i really miss our girly chats when she's away. We get our exam results in August and I'm quite nervous i dont think i've done terrible but i don't think i've done brilliant either, i tried my best and i'm lucky to have supportive family and friends that don't put pressure on me with exams.

I went to Zappas, the hair salon, for work experience and i didn't really enjoy it. I was mostly cleaning up their mess and i couldn't wait to go home each day. It's opened my eyes to the world of work and the girls at the salon weren't that nice and to be brutally honest they were pretty dumb too. I think i'd rather go down the beauty therapy path rather than hair salon. i've been looking up degrees and there's loads on offer and maybe one day i'll have my
own beauty business (well thats the plan).
Last week i went to Poland on a History school trip and maynn it was hot! The trip as a whole was really good, i saw some real eye opening things and i had a few tears walking round the concentration camps, yet i'm really glad i went. I came on my period which wasn't ideal but hay hoe that's life. I love going on school trips surrounded by amazing friends and lovely teachers. I was abit home sick and the food wasn't all that great but i had lots of laughs and our disabled room was classic!

So the holidays are here and i'm hoping that it'll be fun, i've got abit of coursework to do and i'm crapping my pants about year 11 but hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end. I'm just gunna relax and spend quality time with friends and family and make the most of what i've got as i am a very lucky girl!