Exams are over, Christmas is near, interview at Farnborough; the future seems bright.
Last night was emotional to say the least; tears, broken hearts and drink. I spent most of my evening pining over lost friendship and boys that don't deserve my tears.
You should Have opened your eyes, I was crazy for you.

Hannah Wylam: I owe you an apology as well as a thank you, I hope we can go back to how we were as your a huge part of my life, and I truly value your friendship. We have more in common than we thought and we have had some hard times, we've both been knocked to the point where we thought we wouldn't be able to stand again but look at us... no ones perfect, but we are strong and wise and I am sure that greater things are still to come.
We all have things inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out to sea.

Take each day as it comes, we have our whole lives ahead of us.