Friday, 31 December 2010

In all this chaos, we found safety..

Christmas is over, and the end of 2010 is approaching. Lots of people say new year, new start.. but I dont want a new start, I'm really happy and for me 2010 has been a great year. I've got some great friends and I've made memories with them that'll I'll never forget.
I'm ending the year with a drink in my hand surrounded by friends, and it pretty much sums up 2010 for me.. I've danced all night, till i couldn't feel my legs!

I've learnt alot this year, and I think over time i have changed.. but I'm growing and I'm living.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

but darlin' you are the only exception..

I started this last night, but i fell asleep :/

When i lose faith in the male gender, feel lost and confused.. I come to you.
You are the one man i can always rely on, my best friend a true gentleman. You put your arms around me and give me that look, and everything's alright.
Yesterday was just what I needed, just shutting the world out and spending time with you.
It was lovely to spend your birthday with you; just you and me.. so simple yet so special. I love you so much, and I never wanna lose you, no other man will ever come close to you.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

So I touched the clouds, and stole a piece of heaven

today has been perfect:

making brownies then snuggeling on the sofa watching monsters inc and finding nemo with a special young man...

getting ready with the best friend to go to Nando's with thet gals and boys; laughter and love.

Now I'm chilling listening to Taylor Swift munching on a rather large bar of galaxy, courtesy of miss elizabeth robert <3

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

It's cold outside, but I'm warm inside.

Presents under the tree, snow on the roof tops and surrounded by loved ones.
Christmas is just round the corner and I'm loving December!

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

Monday, 20 December 2010

I'm Lost, Lost in Dreams and Reality.


i feel i'm losing grip and I don't like this feeling of falling. People ask me how i'm feeling and whats going on and I just don't have the answers.
I dont know where this is going but I hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Cast your troubles into the sky, they can be the stars in our eyes..

Exams are over, Christmas is near, interview at Farnborough; the future seems bright.

Last night was emotional to say the least; tears, broken hearts and drink. I spent most of my evening pining over lost friendship and boys that don't deserve my tears.
You should Have opened your eyes, I was crazy for you.

Hannah Wylam: I owe you an apology as well as a thank you, I hope we can go back to how we were as your a huge part of my life, and I truly value your friendship. We have more in common than we thought and we have had some hard times, we've both been knocked to the point where we thought we wouldn't be able to stand again but look at us... no ones perfect, but we are strong and wise and I am sure that greater things are still to come.
We all have things inside that no one else can see.
They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out to sea.

Take each day as it comes, we have our whole lives ahead of us.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

There's something in your voice, makes my heart beat fast (8)

Well I'm sat her snuggled up in bed, smelling your hoodie and I can't help but smile.

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

Friday, 10 December 2010

where words fail, music speaks.

With the help of music, laughter and cute texts; this week has gone quite quickly. It hasn't all gone to plan and I've definitely failed my exams, but i'm not so bothered.
One week left and things are looking up, i feel inspired and fresh.

All i need is good friends and a song to sing along to <3

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Keep Calm and Carry On.

I'm not annoyed, I'm just hurt. I thought you where one of my closest friends, and i trusted and confided in you..

Despite what you both think, I'm not a bitter person and I'm not going to write a huge blog of how I'm feeling and how upset I am after hearing what you really think of me. Because no matter what, I can hold my head up and be proud of who I am; I may not be perfect but who is?
I have great friends and great family, I have alot to look forward to, I've got big plans and dreams, and I'm gunna be happy because I deserve to.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars...

Tuesday, 10 August 2010


I'm sat in my kitchen, listening to some tunes whilst i watch mother making some yummy food- she's trying to experiment new things and she keeps telling me to look up recipes online hmmm...
It's been a rather eventful morning so far, woke up at 10 and of course watched my favourite programme ever.. yeapp THE BILL!! had my coco pops, had a dance in the kitchen, even though my bitch of a neck was killing me (slept in a weird position :/) sat snuggled on the sofa watching crap on the tv, at 12 i decided i should really get up and have ashower.... so i did.
All washed and clean, mother home from work.. dry and straighten newly coloured hair ohh yeahh it's like a reddy colour but it's not too bold :(

and then..... my counsellor arrive EARLY! grrrr bitch she's alright though.. i got a bit teary and emotional, i was just in one of those moods :/....
So i think i should really get some coursework done, i've been saying it for days yet i keep getting distracted and to be perfectly honest i can't be arsed to do it, i have no inspiration - so if anyone finds it please return it asap!

It's pissing with rain outside but with the smell of cooked cakes wafting through the kitchen i feel
quite warm and happy- for once! This summer holiday seems to be going rather quickly but although i haven't seen many of my friends i have seen lots of family and it was really lovely.
Katie and I went on abit of a road trip to Hereford and Liverpool to see relatives and it was so nice to see them, all my cousens seem to be really grown up: married, kids and houses it made me feel really young but i made me happy to think i've got all that still to come... but first i need to get my GCSE's and A levels under my belt before i can do anything. On that note i'm going to look up colleges and careers...... mind boggling

Saturday, 24 July 2010

How Time Flys...

I've been meaning to write a blog for ages, yet Eastenders and food have taken priority. It's been quite a while since i wrote a rather depressing blog and alot has happened since then. It's finally the summer holidays and it has come to the end of an era of year 10 which for me has been a good school year; great friends, amusing parties, lots of laughs and heart to hearts <3

The last few weeks have been quite jam packed, my last blog i moaned about arguing with my mum, the stress of exams and the fear of work experience... well i'm glad to say all that hassle is over! me and my lovely mum have been getting on really well and I'm looking forward to spending lots of time with her this holiday, my wonderful big sis is home from uni (however she's in Ireland at the moment) it's nice to have her home because i really miss our girly chats when she's away. We get our exam results in August and I'm quite nervous i dont think i've done terrible but i don't think i've done brilliant either, i tried my best and i'm lucky to have supportive family and friends that don't put pressure on me with exams.

I went to Zappas, the hair salon, for work experience and i didn't really enjoy it. I was mostly cleaning up their mess and i couldn't wait to go home each day. It's opened my eyes to the world of work and the girls at the salon weren't that nice and to be brutally honest they were pretty dumb too. I think i'd rather go down the beauty therapy path rather than hair salon. i've been looking up degrees and there's loads on offer and maybe one day i'll have my
own beauty business (well thats the plan).

Last week i went to Poland on a History school trip and maynn it was hot! The trip as a whole was really good, i saw some real eye opening things and i had a few tears walking round the concentration camps, yet i'm really glad i went. I came on my period which wasn't ideal but hay hoe that's life. I love going on school trips surrounded by amazing friends and lovely teachers. I was abit home sick and the food wasn't all that great but i had lots of laughs and our disabled room was classic!

So the holidays are here and i'm hoping that it'll be fun, i've got abit of coursework to do and i'm crapping my pants about year 11 but hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end. I'm just gunna relax and spend quality time with friends and family and make the most of what i've got as i am a very lucky girl!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Where is this going?

Everything is so crap at the moment. I had exams last week and i thought i would break down, i tried to revise- yet i still failed miserable GREAT! This week i have work experience at some bitch salon with a loud of beautiful skinny blondes, that'll build my self confidence NOT!

I just feel everythings going wrong, and speaking to my friends makes me feel better as they pretty messed up to... so i dont feel so alone. Me and mother are argueing alot recently over stupid things and i know it's only because she cares but i cant help but be a moody teenager and bite her head off at every oppertunity. This hot weather isnt really isn't helping the situation, i cant sleep and i cant concentrate! I have a sccience exam tomorrow and i need to revise but i just cant be bothered - another fail!

I dont know what to do, about anything. I dont know what i want to be or who i want to be. We have to start applying for colleges in January and i have no idea what courses i want to do. I just want to leave school and escape from this hole. I dont want mansions or villas in spain, i just want somewhere i can be happy, somewhere that feels warm without the heating on. I want to fall in love and lay together eating chinese chicken balls and fall asleep with the telly on. I want to wake up and rush to work, skipping breakfast and picking up and coffee and sly chocolate bar on the way, i want to take my dog for a walk in an empty field and clear my head. But at this moment this dream feels even further away, i'll proberly end up a single mother living off benefits in a scabby council flat, no job, no money and a bunch of bratty kids.

So basically I'm abit of a lost soul at the moment, lets hope it changes soon...

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Hardest of Hearts?

There is love in your body, but you cant get it out...

Am I just a cold person, that shuts love out? It's beginning to look that way. It seems I'm surrounded my people lost in love and lust, and i'm not even close. I'm torn, as one
part of me feels i'm missing out in this amazing dream and then the other part is shouting saying it's all a load of pain and heartbreak.

The three words that are in all great songs and romance movies are thrown around to casually these days and it's taken the spark out of 'I LOVE YOU'. I feel as though it just a status being in a relationship, and there's no real emotion in it, of course there are exceptions to my theory and for people who are in a real loving relationship, i envy you!

I read friends blogs and there's always someone giving them that 'butterfly' feeling, i'm just like 'where's mine? huh?' Sometimes i feel i'm missing out, but then i wonder if i really need the hassle? I want someone to care for me yet i feel incabable of caring back, i'm to scared of getting hurt and letting someone in.

I like to keep people at a distance, and it makes me seem cold. I dont want pathetic boys coming to my door, with a rose- trying to seduce me. I'm not that simple i dont work like that, and yes i am a harsh bitch, but people shouldnt be taken in by the criminal of love so easily...

Friday, 4 June 2010

Life is Beautiful

I've had my own little adventure over the last couple of days, i went to stay with my sister in Southampton and not only was the weather lovely but i really enjoyed myself. It was great to just escape and relax from all the stress and pressure daily life seems to bring. I met some bubbly people and it was reassuring to spend some quality time with my sister who i have really missed recently.

Last night my peaceful world was interrupted not only by the drunken flatmates rolling in at all hours, but by the news of some hurtful status' and a strange blog that a friend had informed me of. So i had a read and was totally confused, with some wise words from close friends and countless apologies; i have decided to let things lie. I am not even sure what i have done, but if they want to carry on this nonsense be my guest, i've tried to understand and reason yet it's just not working. ooh what a mess i have caused.
This afternoon i sadly had to come back home and face reality, i got the train back to Reading- on my own- and i was abit apprehensive, Katie and Nigel walked me to the station in the boiling heat with my bag which i can only describe as a tank. We got there 45 minutes early so plenty of time to grab a diet pepsi. I squeezed and kissed goodbye as my heart sank with sadness. I found the platform and with no available seats around i sat on the cold floor, sipped my cold pepsi and plugged in my ipod. As my favourites songs played i took the time to look at my surrounding. I sat and stared at people in ore as i tried to work out their backgrounds, as i sat in silence with my head working over time, i recognised how precious life was. As people rushed and panicked with bags, kids and coffee's it made me smile and feel warm inside.
Time soon passed and i found myself staring out the smudged windows as the world of trees and trashed building passed me by. I was met by a very happy mother, who hugged me so hard it almost hurt, she soon filled me in on the gossip and the latest news, as i also told her about my time away. I later went to meet Zoe who i had dearly missed, and it was lovely to catch up and sit in the sun as we laughed and picked the grass.

Today has been a good day and has opened my eyes and made me realise that life is too short to worry about petty problem that will hopefully soon be forgotten and if not, then it was not meant to be and it's not worth worrying about.
I'd like to thank; the break-dancer receiving amusing texts from a possible lover, the family of five coming back from a long day out rushing to catch the train, the vibrant traveller with the joker tattooed on her arm who doesnt care what people think, the failing drunk business man with a laptop he can't use, the fake self-concious girl who feels she always needs to impress and fit in, the whore that feels uncomfortable in a suit yet has to wear it to work to make a good impression, the ex-army soldier that doesnt know what to do with himself, the young couple that live off benefits and regret the choices they made in life, the quit middle aged man who has lived a plainly trying to avoid conflict and drama, and the student who takes life in his stride and has cute stubble. and of course Florence and the Machine whose lyrics also make me smile.

- You brightened up my day.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

An eventful night!

Last night was definitely one to remember. Like most events some points were good and some were bad. But although at times tension arose, it made me realise that whatever happens I can overcome it and I'm done with things getting me down. I don't regret what I did last night, but I regret the effects it had on people I love. I left the house with an open mind, not knowing what the night could bring.

I was surrounded by people I truly care about, and I wanted to enjoy myself in their company. Problems the night brought showed me that life's to short, and to live in the moment- and that's what i did. Although we had blood, tears and tantrums it also consumed of laughs, kisses and smiles - which no one can take away.

I drank, and I fell (taking others with me) but i got back up and brushed myself off with a laugh - nothing can keep me down.
I'm not a great believer in love and fairy tales, but last night i was taken over by lust and excitement. As he held me in his arms, i felt safe and warm, i was in a bubble and was unaware of my surroundings.

I hadn't been looking forward to that night at all with nothing to wear and feeling as though I had the world on my shoulders, I found comfort in my friend and I decided I would just 'go with the flow' and as our lips slowly touched and ours hands clasped together that's exactly what I did, and I didn't look back as I lost myself within the moment.

It wasn't until later when I realised the upset I had caused with my selfish attitude. I had hurt a close friend, as I didn't truly realise her feelings about the situation. I had rubbed it in her face without even realising what I had done. And I am truly sorry for the pain i caused. In time the wounds of love will heel, and no matter what I will always value our friendship and your feelings, as I hope you can do do the same for me.

As i look back on last night, I am not filled with sadness or worry as the moments i shared with people were truly priceless and the memories i shared will stay with me and always fill me with happiness and tattoo a smile upon my face.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Don't you just love?

bright blue sky+galaxy minstrels+heat magazine+ late night chats+personal jokes+Florence and the machine+ laughing+sunglasses+chicken balls+ topshop+ bird tattoos +hair accessories+feathers+perfume+king prawns+Lady GaGa+drawing hearts+meaningful conversations+frogs +gingers+flowers+BBQs + hot chocolate +red+butterflies+big rings+secret notes+long hugs+open fields+fish fingers+fairys+cows+cold winter days+bonfires+poems+painted nails+ fruit pastels+the notebook+miss selfridge+sleepovers+listening to music+skittles+Fearne Cotton+long showers+Harry Brown+early mornings+Pixie Lott+short hair+walking on the beach+burgers+black range rovers+farm houses+quite places+happy people+bracelets+candles +cushions+rachel mcadams+big hoodies+ glitter+ partys +diet pepsi+puppies+family+johnsons baby lotion+duvets+friends+handbags+ love+LIFE

Love is a Liar

love weakens my soul, and makes me lose my senses
it raises me slowly and sends me crashing to the ground
No protection when i fall, and it smashes my heart like glass
It whispers in my ear, and suddenly i'm screaming
I'm no longer in control as i watch myself slowly melt

Love takes me in and makes me believe
Then it spits me out, and i become lost
It shakes me hard
until i lose my way
it laughs as i trip and stumble finding my way through the smoke

Love stabs like a knife and tastes sweet like sugar
It takes my sight but i can smell the poison
It feeds my hunger, but then i starve
Love makes me feel invincible
As it kills me from the inside

Love hits me till i bruise
And it's too late to leave
it feeds me drugs, until i'm addicted
and teases as i become weak

Love takes my identity
and dangles it in front of my blind eyes
it wrapped me in sheets and chains
And i can no longer walk alone

Love is a liar, and so are you.