Last night my peaceful world was interrupted not only by the drunken flatmates rolling in at all hours, but by the news of some hurtful status' and a strange blog that a friend had informed me of. So i had a read and was totally confused, with some wise words from close friends and countless apologies; i have decided to let things lie. I am not even sure what i have done, but if they want to carry on this nonsense be my guest, i've tried to understand and reason yet it's just not working. ooh what a mess i have caused.
This afternoon i sadly had to come back home and face reality, i got the train back to Reading- on my own- and i was abit apprehensive, Katie and Nigel walked me to the station in the boiling heat with my bag which i can only describe as a tank. We got there 45 minutes early so plenty of time to grab a diet pepsi. I squeezed and kissed goodbye as my heart sank with sadness. I found the platform and with no available seats around i sat on the cold floor, sipped my cold pepsi and plugged in my ipod. As my favourites songs played i took the time to look at my surrounding. I sat and stared at people in ore as i tried to work out their backgrounds, as i sat in silence with my head working over time, i recognised how precious life was. As people rushed and panicked with bags, kids and coffee's it made me smile and feel warm inside.
Time soon passed and i found myself staring out the smudged windows as the world of trees and trashed building passed me by. I was met by a very happy mother, who hugged me so hard it almost hurt, she soon filled me in on the gossip and the latest news, as i also told her about my time away. I later went to meet Zoe who i had dearly missed, and it was lovely to catch up and sit in the sun as we laughed and picked the grass.
Today has been a good day and has opened my eyes and made me realise that life is too short to worry about petty problem that will hopefully soon be forgotten and if not, then it was not meant to be and it's not worth worrying about.
I'd like to thank; the break-dancer receiving amusing texts from a possible lover, the family of five coming back from a long day out rushing to catch the train, the vibrant traveller with the joker tattooed on her arm who doesnt care what people think, the failing drunk business man with a laptop he can't use, the fake self-concious girl who feels she always needs to impress and fit in, the whore that feels uncomfortable in a suit yet has to wear it to work to make a good impression, the ex-army soldier that doesnt know what to do with himself, the young couple that live off benefits and regret the choices they made in life, the quit middle aged man who has lived a plainly trying to avoid conflict and drama, and the student who takes life in his stride and has cute stubble. and of course Florence and the Machine whose lyrics also make me smile.

- You brightened up my day.
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